
I was born in 1980 Dallas Texas, and lived my younger years in the Rio Grande Valley. I have always had a love for drawing and painting. During high school I was introduced to airbrushing in a graphic design class, and loved the way the paint flowed. I also found new friends that were into tagging, which I had never seen anyone do. The combination of both forms of art intrigued me and  are still the basis of some of my favorite ways of rendering art.

 After graduating high school, I joined the United States Marines and served for 8 years. While in service, I often painted and designed various military murals, paintings, and t-shirts. Even in the midst of war in Iraq, I found time to paint and design. Painting and drawing always centers my mind and gives me peace. So during stressful times drawing always helped me distract me from my environment.

Once I finished my obligations with the Marine Corp, I began to attend college while working full time. I love to learn new things and so I began studies in computer graphics. There I learned to work in all the Adobe Suite programs and continue to work and learn to this day.

I now work in both traditional and digital medias. From concepts, sketching, painting, automotive airbrushing, logo design, t-shirt designs, comics, and portraits. Soon I will be launching my own clothing line, so keep checking in for new stuff to come.